3 Tips for Post-Labor Day Job Search

Labor Day job hiring
Labor Day job hiring

In the staffing world, everyone in my industry knows that September brings an uptick in hiring. Managers come back from summer vacations after Labor Day and realize that they need to hire before the end of the year.

That being said, while there will be more jobs available, they won't all translate into public job postings. In fact, the majority will be filled without a job posting going out. Why? In a rush to get the job filled, managers will rely on their own professional network (i.e. employees, former colleagues, etc.), to find the right person for their position. And, even if they are required to post their job, by the time you see it and apply, there will already be several qualified applicants in the pipeline through referrals that historically get the job.

FACT: Over 80 percent of jobs are gotten via referral. Thus, the chances of you getting hired off a job board are slim-to-none.
