SimCity Social UFO Mystery Gifts: Everything you need to know


If you're in the mood to gamble in SimCity Social, you can now participate in a UFO Mystery Gifts feature, giving you the chance to win a "Super Rare" or "Rare" building for your city. This feature will appear as a rather deceptive, large red button the next time you login to your city. Of course, you might want to press the big red button, but it's definitely not free.

Ultimately, this feature costs Diamonds to play, with each "press" of the button costing Diamonds. There are three packages available as of this writing, each costing more and more Diamonds, but giving you more presses in the process:

  • 1 Button Press - 15 Diamonds

  • 6 Button Presses (+1 Free Press) - 75 Diamonds

  • 13 Button Presses (+3 Free Presses) - 150 Diamonds

Each time you press the button, you have a chance to win a rare prize, like Mount Olympus, The Grand Casino, a Luxury Shopping Mall or the Chateau Grapevine. These items are already available to purchase in the store, but they cost anywhere from 75 to 200 Diamonds individually, so if you can score one for free here, you'd definitely be getting a bargain. However, you're not guaranteed to win one of these four prizes, and could actually end up with something far cheaper, like a Water Gun Factory that normally costs 25 Diamonds.

Ultimately, this is definitely a risk that you'll need to consider fully before pressing the button, but we wish you the best of luck in winning a great prize!

Have you pressed the big red button in SimCity Social? What prize (if anything) did you actually end up winning? Do you think this feature is worth 15 Diamonds? Sound off in the comments!
