6waves tests Pot Farm maker's Ruby Skies on iOS in Canada, Korea, et al

Ruby Skies iOS
Ruby Skies iOS

Indie social game developer East Side Games will probably always be best known for Pot Farm, its fire-grass-filled FarmVille. But the game maker does make other games, you know, like Ruby Skies. Published by 6waves, the developer's second game for iOS devices has been released in Canada, Korea and Hong Kong and looks like it's targeted at women game fans.

According to Inside Social Games, Ruby Skies combines elements from romance development games as well as territory exploration games. The former has already proved to be a success with women in certain Asian regions, but the addition of the latter play elements is no doubt interesting for the romance genre.

Ruby Skies screens
Ruby Skies screens

Canada is probably the most popular place for game creators to test-launch their games before facing the U.S. App Store, and according to Inside Social Games, East Side Games isn't sure of when exactly Ruby Skies will see a broader release. Say what you will of the company's stances, but at least each of its games are entirely different from the previous.

Click here to download Ruby Skies in "Canada" for Free Now >

Are you intrigued by Ruby Skies, or are you simply waiting for Pot Farm 2? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
