Hidden Chronicles partners with Big Brother in a peculiar cross promotion


Over the years, we've seen Zynga partner with American Express, Lady Gaga, McDonald's and many other high-profile celebrities / corporations, but this week's partnership between Hidden Chronicles and the reality TV show Big Brother just might take the cake on the "weird scale."

Hidden Chronicles players are being offered a new FastFind scene in their games if they complete a Big Brother quest within their games, but there's a pretty big catch. You'll need a virtual TV to complete the quest and you'll initially only be able to access this TV by watching Big Brother on TV. Here's the complete set of quest requirements:

  • Get a Television by Watching Big Brother

  • Hide 2 Secret Packages

  • Play a Scene

The Big Brother episode you'd need to watch will air on Wednesday, August 29 at 8 PM Pacific. At some point during that episode, a "Zynga Watch and Win" segment will appear, giving you a website to visit to access the TV you need to complete this quest. Luckily, if that all sounds like too much work or too ridiculous a demand, you will eventually be able to complete this quest in another way, as the TV will turn into a standard news feed post item after Friday, August 31.

Regardless of when you complete this quest, you'll walk away with a new FastFind scene on your account in the form of the CBS Newsroom, so the promotion will never really "leave" your game. If nothing else, this promotion seems much better suited to being in the Ville, since both the Ville and Big Brother deal with living life in a virtual house, but I guess we can't really turn down a free item in any game. How about you?

Will you make a point of watching Big Brother just to get the website link for the TV? Sound off in the comments!
