The Most (and Least) Honest Cities in the U. S.


Who's more honest: People on the East Coast or on the West? Redheads or bald people?

Well, the folks at Honest Tea ran a nationwide experiment and compiled The National Honesty Index.

Here's how they did it: First, they set up unmanned pop-up stores all over the country, where people were asked to leave one dollar for a bottle of Honest Tea. Then observers watched as people either paid a dollar or just grabbed a bottle and ran.

Then they crunched the numbers and compiled a list of cities with the percentage of people who were honest--i,.e., thirsty folks who actually dropped a dollar in the box before taking a drink.

Flip through the gallery to see the 5 most and 5 least honest cities in the U. S. You can find even more comparisons, such as bald people vs. people in plaid shirts, at the national honesty index website.


National Honesty Index from National Honesty Index on Vimeo.
