With this promotion art leak, is FarmVille 2 around the corner? [Rumor]

FarmVille 2 screens
FarmVille 2 screens

It looks like the (hopeful) rebirth of FarmVille is just around the corner. CE Gamers has discovered these first-ever cross promotion images that will likely adorn the pop-ups of your favorite farming simulator in due time. Well, that and probably every other Zynga game ever--let's be honest here, people.

Unfortunately, the artwork isn't anything particularly telling. Yes, FarmVille 2 will include both a male and female farmer, and yes, the game will include all sorts of characters animal and human alike. However, it does look like FarmVille has received a new mascot: a cute little chick in replace of the mallard duck that players have come to know and love over the past three years.

FarmVille 2 screen shots
FarmVille 2 screen shots

Considering the FarmVille fan base (no offense), that could most definitely be a point of contention. Be on the lookout for the first details about FarmVille 2 right here. Spoiler: The game will be in 3D. Oh wait--you already knew that. No surprises here, then.

Are you psyched for the sequel to FarmVille 2? Are you afraid it will suffer the same fate as, say, Mafia Wars 2? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
