S&P 500 Hits 2012 Highs


The stock market truly do crawl a wall of worry. If you can believe it, the S&P 500 Index just hit new 2012 highs this morning. The S&P 500 just hit 1,422.62 after a +4.49 gain, and that compares to its prior 52-week range of 1,074.77 to 1,422.38. We have the DJIA and the NASDAQ both lagging:

The DJIA just hit 13,289.82 after a gain of 18.18 against a 52-week high of 13,338.70.

NASDAQ is not quite at its 52-week highs after a gain of 14.09 to 3,090.30 against a 52-week high of 3,134.17.

Keep in mind that the 10-year Treasury yield is up at 1.833% and the 30-year Treasury bond yield is 2.945%.

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire
