Marineland Ex-Workers Allege Horrific Neglect Of Animals


Marineland is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Niagara Falls, boasting the world's largest viewing habitat for killer whales, a record-breaking 41 belugas, and elaborate shows of sea lions, walruses, and bottlenose dolphins. But an extensive investigation by the Toronto Star, including interviews with eight former employees, has revealed horrific neglect behind the family-friendly fun.

"I was witness to things that people would never imagine a place like Marineland to be capable of," Phil Demers, a trainer for 12 years, told the Star. He quit the park in May, in large part, he said, because he could not longer cope with the horrendous conditions. Cleaning chemicals made the water toxic for the animals, he claims, and video footage obtained by the Star provides gruesome visual testimony.
