Most Distracted, Least Productive Workers: Middle-Aged Women?

least productive most distracted workers middle age women
least productive most distracted workers middle age women

A person's 30s and 40s are usually the prime career-making years, as workers become settled in their chosen industry, and climb up its ladder (the average age of incoming CEOs at S&P 500 companies was 52.9 in 2010, according to the Wall Street Journal). But it's this age group that has the most trouble staying focused at work, according to a new study.

Researchers from Brigham Young University's Health Enhancement Research Organization and the Center for Health Research at the Healthways company asked 19,803 employees: "During the past four weeks (28 days), how often have you been at work but had trouble concentrating or doing your best because of..." followed by a list of 12 possible factors.
