CastleVille Hop to It Quests: Everything you need to know


A slew of furry creatures as appeared in your Kingdom in CastleVille, and Yvette is incredibly interested in figuring out where they're coming from. This storyline appears via a new quest series called "Hop to It," which is only accessible after you've finished a few requirements in your game. First, you'll need to be at least Level 27. Secondly, you'll need to have finished the Pet for George and Forging Ahead quest series to quest 3 and quest 2, respectively. If you've fulfilled all of those tasks, you'll see these quests appear, and can complete them at your leisure. Of course, we're here with a guide to help you complete them fast!

Like Bunnies

  • Tend 5 Flowers

  • Tax 7 Houses

  • Chop Trees 3 Times

Rewards: 3,250 coins, 65 XP

They're Everywhere!

  • Fish 6 Times in your Kingdom

  • Collect from 5 Crafting Buildings

  • Use 3 Purity Talismans

Rewards: 3,250 coins, 65 XP

Animal Shelter

  • Place Yvette's Rabbit Hutch

  • Plant 30 Cabbage

  • Have 8 Design Plans

The Design Plans are earned by posting a general request on your news feed. The Rabbit Hutch, meanwhile, will be in your inventory waiting for you. You'll receive 4,250 coins and 85 XP for completing this quest.

Bait and Switch

  • Have 25 Carrots

  • Buy 10 Grass

  • Craft 5 Saucy Tarts

Rewards: 4,250 coins, 85 XP

It's a Trap!

  • Craft 5 Wool Thread

  • Have 7 Bags of Nails

  • Have 8 Alarm Bells

The Alarm Bells can be earned by posting a request on your news feed for your friends to help. You'll earn 5,250 coins and 105 XP for completing this quest.

Herding Bunnies

  • Finish Yvette's Rabbit Hutch

  • Tend 20 Flowers, Grass or Bushes

  • Perform 10 Actions after you setup the traps

Building Yvette's Rabbit Hutch requires quite a few building materials: 15 Wood Planks, 20 Bundles of Wheat, five Glue and eight Zucchini. You can ask your friends to send you Wood Planks or craft them yourself, and you can also ask your friends for the Zucchini. The other two items must be earned on your own, or purchased with Crowns. You'll earn 5,250 coins and 105 XP for finishing this quest.

I Spy With My Little Eye

  • Have a French Tower Foundation

  • Have 7 Spyglasses

  • Finish Building the French Tower

This Tower will allow Yvette to see where the bunnies are coming from, but you'll of course need to build it first. You'll need 10 Linen, nine Gold Bricks, three Stained Glass and one Ornate Tapestry to finish this off. Only the Linen can be earned with your friends' help, as the other three items need to be crafted on your own. You'll receive another 5,250 coins and 105 XP for completing this quest.

For My Next Trick

  • Craft 4 Exploration Crystals

  • Tend 10 Houses

  • Explore the Gloom

You'll earn 4,250 coins and 85 XP for finishing this final quest. Apparently, George is involved in this whole mess, but how this story ends is still up in the air. We'll make sure to bring you guides for future CastleVille quest series just as soon as they launch, so stay tuned!

[Via and image credit: Zynga]

What do you think of these rabbit-themed quests in CastleVille? Have you completed the requirements to unlock them, or do you still have a lot of work ahead of you before that happens? Sound off in the comments!
