Retired Madam Would Prefer Her Daughter Be A Prostitute Than Banker

mother daughter prostitute banker
mother daughter prostitute banker

Becky Adams began her more than two-decade career in sex work at a time of desperation. But even though her teenage daughter Emilia grew up wanting for nothing, Adams wouldn't mind if the girl followed in her footsteps. It's certainly better than banking, she told the British tabloid, The Sun. "Society may judge her but I wouldn't," she says. "At least prostitution is an honest profession."

Adams wouldn't want her daughter to peddle her trade on the streets, but she would help her find success in the world of high-end escorting. "I'd much rather she work as an escort than a banker," the former madam told The Sun. "I couldn't understand her wanting to do something morally wrong, something that could jeopardize someone else."
