SimCity Social Championships: Everything you need to prepare


A virtual version of the Olympic Games is coming to SimCity Social next week, and we've been given a short opportunity to prepare. These "SimCity Championships" will of course revolve around sports, so our main goal between now and next week (July 22, to be exact), will be to build as many sports-themed buildings as possible.

Luckily, there's a section in the store that's labeled with "Sports," allowing you to easily see all items that count for this future event. There are Olympics-specific items like Beach Volleyball Courts, Weightlifting Arenas or High Dive Pools, but you can also use some of the previously released sports items in this event as well. That is, items like the Basketball Court, Tennis Court and Soccer Pitch also count, but of course, these are population locked so you might not have enough citizens living in your town to purchase them.

Regardless of how many you decide to purchase, the use of these buildings is the same. You'll collect special tokens from these buildings, with tokens coming in different categories: Speed, Strength, Skill and Stamina. Evidently, we'll need these tokens to actually compete in the SimCity Championships when the feature begins in our games, so it's best to collect as many as you can now.

Since we're still in the preparation stages of the SimCity Championships, we don't know exactly how these games will play out, but we'll make sure to let you know how you can participate in the games just as soon as they launch. Stay tuned!

What do you think of these sports buildings in the SimCity Championships theme? Will you build them all, or just a few? Sound off in the comments!
