CastleVille: Play the Ville for free Exploration Crystals


We're seeing The Ville cross-promotional train really pick up speed on Facebook now, as CastleVille players are now being offered free Exploration Crystals for playing the Ville on Facebook. To be specific, you'll need to play until you reach at least Level 6 in The Ville to start earning prizes, similar to the level-based setup of the cross-promotion in FarmVille.

As you reach Levels 6, 9 and 12 in The Ville, you'll receive bundles of Exploration Crystals back in CastleVille, until you reach the grand total of 25 Exploration Crystals in all. This news come by way of the CastleVille email newsletter that you might have received in your inbox, but it doesn't look like the promotion has officially started rolling out in our games. Still, with the potential being great for such promotions across Zynga's other games, it wouldn't hurt to start playing the Ville now so that you can start making your way to Level 12 to earn these free Crystals (and potentially more). Good luck!

Will you play The Ville to earn free Exploration Crystals in CastleVille? Sound off in the comments!
