Play Angry Birds by flailing your arms with Samsung Smart TVs

Angry Birds Samsung Smart TV
Angry Birds Samsung Smart TV

There are only so many times a developer can release the same game, right? When fans catch on, it's time to get creative, and Rovio seems to have accomplished just that with the newest version of Angry Birds for Samsung Smart TVs. Now, players can fling the fuming fowl with just a wave of the hand through the gesture controls enabled by the devices.

According to a Samsung release, players control this take on Angry Birds by initiating the slingshot and activating each bird's special ability with unique gestures. Just pinch and draw back your hand, and release to fire away. At least that's what we gather judging from those adorable snapshots of a lucky lass playing the game.

What's even better is that Angry Birds--available for iterations of the device equipped with Smart Interaction technology this July--comes baked into every Samsung Smart TV. Of course, there's just one massive catch, Samsung Smart TVs start at about $3,000. If you're truly an Angry Birds super fan, you'll find a way. Won't you?

Do you wish you had a Samsung Smart TV to play Angry Birds on? Have you grown tired of the game yet? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
