CityVille Space Needle: Everything you need to know


The intergalactic theme within CityVille has grown this weekend via the launch of the Space Needle in our towns. Rather than looking like the real world Space Needle, this structure is unique in appearance containing bright colors and lots of geometric shapes. Unfortunately, you'll be forced to expand your city to reach this Space Needle, but you'll be introduced to some other fun buildings along the way.

The Space Needle comes from a goal called "On Pins & Needles," which asks you to do the following three tasks:

  • Expand to the Space Needle

  • Collect 20 Space Helmets

  • Collect from 25 Space Shuttle Buildings

The Space Helmets can be earned by asking your friends to send them to you, while the Space Shuttle Buildings are those that are found under the special "Space" tab in the store. You'll be able to purchase items like a Solar Temple, Space Observatory and more, with items being available for both coins and City Cash.

Luckily, these Space Shuttle buildings are the same ones you'll need for the Space Shuttle feature, so you might already have some of those buildings ready for you in your town. If anything, this proves how dedicated Zynga has become to the space theme in CityVille, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of these sorts of building projects released in our towns before all is said and done.

When you complete this goal itself, you'll receive 10 Rocket Fuels, which are used in the aforementioned Space Shuttle, and of course, you'll have the new Space Needle community building to place in your town as you see fit. Good luck reaching this Space Needle in your game!

[Via and image credit: Zynga]

What do you think of this Space Needle project in CityVille? Sound off in the comments!
