Pioneer Trail Meet Ted: Everything you need to know


If nothing else, Bess has proven to be quite the unlucky lady in love, as she's had fleeting romances with multiple characters within the Pioneer Trail, but hasn't found her true love... yet. It seems that a handsome "man of the wilderness" is about to come to our homesteads, and he'll bring with him a chance for love for Bess and a series of goals for us to complete. This feature will give you access to new new injured animals, a new collection and a new crop, so let's get started on our guide to what this new "Meet Ted" feature contains!

Meetin' Ted

  • Place an Animal Aid Station

  • Collect 20 Tend Canvases

  • Collect 6 Tent Poles

Before you panic about constructing another building, know that this Animal Aid Station has a small base and requires no building to actually finish. You'll simply be able to place it down and immediately move on to other things. For finishing this first goal, you'll receive 200 XP, 100 Bess' Love points and a Loverly Sheep. These Love Points go to fill Bess' Love Meter, and as you fill it more and more, you'll receive new rewards like animals and Mystery Crates.

Gearin' Up

  • Harvest 10 Pink Lilies

  • Collect 8 Hearty Trailmix

  • Collect 6 Flint & Tinder

Rewards: 400 XP, 10 Bess' Love, Fast Hands Boost

A Sickly Situation

  • Heal a Sickly White Bobcat

  • Make 5 Chicken Noodle Soups

  • Collect 20 Bowls of Juice

The Bowls of Juice come from harvesting apricot trees. You'll earn 600 XP, 30 Bess' Love and a Bristlecone Pine tree (a decorative tree) for completing this goal.

Wilderness Bound

  • Collect 15 Pine Needle Tea

  • Collect 8 Survival Kits

  • Craft 7 Med Kits

Rewards: 800 XP, 30 Bess' Love, 2 Kitty Cough Syrups

Nest Eggs

  • Harvest 20 Catnip Crops

  • Heal 1 Teal Swallow

  • Make 5 Animal Med Kits

The Catnip can be found on the game's free gifts page, where it can be sent between friends. You'll earn 1000 XP, 40 Bess' Love and two Raging Buffalos for finishing this goal.

Other than these goals, you'll also be able to complete a new Animal Aid Station Collection, rewarding you with 200 XP, a Kitty Cough Syrup and a Warming Blanket when it's turned in. Good luck finishing these goals, the new collection and helping Bess find love, hopefully one and for all!

[Via and image credit: Zynga]

What do you think of these "Meet Ted" romance goals in Pioneer Trail? Sound off in the comments!
