Bank Threatens to Foreclose on Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patient

foreclosure woman breast cancer
foreclosure woman breast cancer

Cindi Davis (pictured above) has been fighting breast cancer for four years. She's now in Stage 4 of the deadly disease, and it's taken dozens of chemo treatments and $1,100 a month in prescription medications to keep her alive. Those expenses are crippling Cindi and her husband, Kirk, and they are hardly able to keep up with their mortgage.

But that doesn't seem to faze their lender, Wells Fargo. The bank is threatening to throw them out of their Mount Hilly, N.C., home if they don't make their $873-a-month payments -- on top of Cindi's escalating medical expenses, WCNC-TV reported.

"They want us to make a house payment of almost $900 a month," Cindi told the Charlotte, N.C., station. "We can afford maybe half that.

"I don't sleep," she continued. "There is many a night we go to bed, and an hour later, I'm back up and up all night."

Cindi's doctors have written letters to the bank explaining her health complications and saying that if she loses her home, her condition would take a turn for the worse.

Wells Fargo wouldn't comment on Cindi's case but told WCNC-TV: "We understand that many of our customers may face challenges beyond their mortgage payment, so we often work with local housing counselors and other nonprofits that can help determine if any other assistance may be available. It's important for customers to continue to work with their servicers and advise them of any changes in their situation. In assisting customers we must follow investor guidelines. These guidelines determine the kind and amount of assistance a borrower may receive. We work hard to help our customers maintain homeownership and view foreclosure as a last resort."

Cindi and Kirk have tried modification programs, going through mortgage specialists and endless phone calls and letters -- but to no avail. They've even discussed divorcing so that Cindi's benefits would increase.

Kirk said that Cindi has been "a trouper" through the ordeal.

"She's never quit and never stopped. She has fought this entire battle," Kirk told WCNC-TV.

But the worst may be yet to come, and the couple is trying to prepare for it.

"We have a cab on the pickup," Cindi said. "We may be moving in there."

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