The Sims Social Magnum Mini Quests: Everything you need to know


After the launch of the Magnum Lounge in the Sims Social, we thought this particular cross-promotion might have been over, but a new trio of quests within the game allows you to earn one more Magnum-themed item before all is said and done: the Magnum Mini Lounger. You'll earn this by finishing some incredibly simple tasks, and we're with a quick look at what those are.

Pleasure Seekers 1

  • Finish Bella's Fashion Article

  • Mail Finished Fashion Article

Both of these tasks can be completed by accessing a computer within your Sim's pad. You'll receive 20 Lifetime Points, 30 coins and 20 XP for completing this first quest.

Pleasure Seekers 2

  • Try on Three Items of Clothing from Storage

  • Buy one New Item of Clothing

It doesn't matter how many coins you spend on your new clothing item, so you can easily find a new top for 300-400 coins in the store, as one example. When you complete this second quest, you'll earn 30 Lifetime Points, 40 coins and 30 XP. Two quests down, and only one to go - we told you this was easy!

Pleasure Seekers 3

  • "Chill Out" in a Swimming Pool

  • "Fetch a Good Book" from a Bookshelf

The Swimming Pool task may outwardly appear challenging, depending on whether you've already unlocked a Swimming Pool for your own game, or if you'll have to visit someone else to find one. Luckily, if you visit Bella and then travel to her beach house, she has a swimming pool right outside the front door. Simply click on a bookshelf to finish the last task and you'l receive the Magnum Mini for completing this entire quest series!

Even though these quests are easy to complete (and quickly at that), you'll still want to tackle them sooner, rather than later, as they'll only be available in the game for 12 more days as of this writing. Don't panic about the time limit though, as you can easily finish these quests off in less than 15 minutes, and your Sim will be sitting pretty on its new lounger for your efforts. We'll make sure to let you know if this Magnum cross-promotion grows even further in the future, so stay tuned!

What do you think of these Magnum Mini quests in the Sims Social? Did you have any trouble completing them? Sound off in the comments!
