The Ville: Catch butterflies in your Nature Scrapbook


The next time you login to The Ville on Facebook, you might notice an overabundance of butterflies flying around your home. This isn't a glitch, but is actually part of the new Nature Scrapbook feature in the game. This feature sees you collecting all of those butterflies and then using them to create new decorations for your home.

To be specific, you'll need to first click on a set of butterflies to trigger you being given the Nature Scrapbook item for your game. You'll find it in your inventory, and it looks like it provides over $2000 in Home Value for your pad. Once you place it, you'll be able to use the book itself as a crafting station of sorts, combining various butterflies into decorations.

There are only two prizes available to craft as of this writing, but each requires plenty of butterflies to keep you busy collecting them for some time:

Butterfly Jar

  • Crafts in 1 second

  • Requires: 10 each of Red, Blue and Yellow butterflies

Butterfly Garden Bench

  • Crafts in 1 second

  • Requires: 40 each of Red, Blue and Yellow butterflies

Every time you collect a butterfly, you'll receive a random color and won't be able to manually determine which one you collect. If you'd rather not depend so heavily on this "random" chance, you can also ask your friends to send you red and blue butterflies. The only way you can earn the yellow butterflies will be to actually find them or purchase them with Ville Cash.

We'll make sure to keep track of whether additional recipes are added to the game's Nature Scrapbook, so stay tuned for more!

What do you think of this Nature Scrapbook and the butterflies in the Ville? Sound off in the comments!
