CastleVille: Thar be new pirate booty in the store


If you thought the pirate theme was going to leave CastleVille after the launch of the Land's End expansion, you may only be partially right. While it's true that Land's End won't be available forever, the pirate theme is being carried on in our home Kingdoms via the launch of new "Land's End" or pirate themed items in the game's store. Here's a complete look at the new items (and yes, some are available for coins!).

Bamboo Fence - 1,000 coins
Crawdad Shack - 29 Crowns
Gold Island Head - 12 Crowns
Lightning Totem - 7 Crowns
Pirate Tiki Torch - 23,000 coins
Silver Island Head - 8 Crowns
Tropical Flower - 500 coins
Water Totem - 5 Crowns

Wind Totem - 3 Crowns
Wooden Island Head - 4 Crowns

These items are marked as only being available a "limited time," so make sure to go shopping sooner, rather than later to secure any that you're interested in. While this might not be as large of a theme as we would have personally liked, we'll make sure to keep an eye on things, and will let you know if additional Land's End or pirate items launch in the store. Stay tuned!

What do you think of these Land's End limited edition items in CastleVille? Will you purchase any for your Kingdom? Sound off in the comments!
