CityVille Equality Plaza: Everything you need to know


Rounding out the trio of "Equality" buildings in CityVille is the Equality Plaza. Like the Equality Neighborhood and Equality Business Tower before it, this Plaza will store all of a single kind of building, in this case Community Buildings. The Equality Plaza is available to users that have reached at least Level 20, and you can only have one in your town as of this writing.

Building the Equality Plaza is an item collection process, as you might have expected. You'll need to ask your friends for six Skylights, six Red Flags, six Purple Flags, six Lobby Mailboxes and six Glass Elevators to finish it off, with these items being earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent out to friends.

Like Neighborhoods or Malls, this Plaza can be built in stages, with three floors being available in all. You'll need to ask your friends to be staff within the Plaza in order to unlock actual Community Building storage slots, and must ask for even more building ingredients after you've stored groups of nine buildings. All of these upgrades require the same building materials as before, but in larger quantities.

Of course, the largest draw of the Equality Plaza is the fact that it will, in theory, store any and all kinds of regular Community Buildings without exclusion, but be sure to look out for those that still might not qualify. That's not how the feature is supposed to function, but hey, stranger things have happened.

[Via and image credit: Zynga]

What do you think of this Equality Plaza in CityVille? Sound off in the comments!
