CityVille NASDAQ Stock Market: Everything you need to know


Perhaps of the most interesting uses of real-world items in CityVille is the introduction of the new NASDAQ Stock Exchange in the game. This Stock Exchange serves as a community building, offering up to 4.500 citizens to your town's maximum population cap and up to 3,000 Downtown Value "allowed." You'll need to be at least Level 30 to access the NASDAQ feature, and from there must spend six energy on constructing the base of the Stock Exchange.

After you've placed and built the base of the NASDAQ Stock Market, you can finish its construction by asking your friends for building materials: 5 Money Clips, 5 Prospectus, 5 Calculators, 5 Business Suits, 5 Stock Tickers. These items are earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent to friends.

After all of this is done, you can start investing in stocks just as you do in your regular Stock Exchange (if you built one when that particular feature was launched last May). In fact, the three stocks are identical to those of the original Stock Exchange, right down to the 250,000 coins earnings requirement to upgrade your NASDAQ Stock Market from Level 1 to Level 2.

Unlike other "branded businesses," this NASDAQ Stock Market isn't a temporary feature, as it's available as a permanent addition to your Downtown or main city areas. That being the case, you won't have to rush to complete it and can take your time, waiting until you're really ready to take on yet another building project in your game. Good luck earning tons of coins for your city!

[via and image credit: Zynga]

What do you think of having another Stock Exchange in your city? Do you get a lot of use out of the first one that was previously released? Sound off in the comments!
