GnomeTown shrinks down to fit into iPhone and iPad for free

GnomeTown on iOS
GnomeTown on iOS

As if those adorable little guys needed to. Disney has announced that GnomeTown is now available for iPhone and iPad for free. Developed by none other than Playdom, this version of the game is standalone from what's available on Facebook, though players can explore an enchanted forest and build a town of gnomish proportions just like before.

GnomeTown for iOS devices brings with it more than 20 cutesy forest creatures to collect and hundreds of quests to complete along the way. Of course, most of which involves building your town of gnomes and decorating it to taste. However, Disney teases that players will get to explore new lands in the gnome kingdom. This version has some surprises up its sleeve, no doubt.


Based on our review of GnomeTown on Facebook--and that it still holds onto 1 million monthly players since then--give us the idea that GnomeTown will do just fine on iPhone and iPad. Either way, expect our full impressions of just how gnomish this version of GnomeTown truly is soon enough.

Click here to download GnomeTown on iPhone or iPad for Free Now >

Are you psyched to play GnomeTown on iOS? What do you think of the game on Facebook? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
