CityVille Epic Swing Ride: Everything you need to know


Last Summer, we were treated to the release of a variety of amusement park rides and attractions in CityVille, and it looks like this Summer season will see a continuation of that trend. It may only be the first day of Summer, but the second attraction is already available to place in your town: the Epic Swing Ride.

This Epic Swing Ride is available to users level 10 and above, and it's technically a new community building for your town. You'll have the next 19 days to complete the goal that comes along with it's release, which asks you to expand your city out to the Epic Swing Ride in order to actually claim it. This goal has three overall requirements, as seen below:

  • Ask friends for 20 Blue Cotton Candy

  • Expand to the Epic Swing Ride

  • Upgrade your Roller Coaster to Phase 3

The Roller Coaster was the first attraction released this Summer, and to upgrade it to Level 3, you'll need to collect from special buildings or ask your friends for on-ride photos to actually accomplish the task. When you complete this goal, you'll receive 100,000 coins, and will of course have the new Epic Swing Ride available to place wherever you'd like in your town. Unfortunately, the Epic Swing Ride isn't available for general purchase in the store, so you'll need to complete this goal if it interests you. Hopefully, the 19-day time limit will be enough for you to complete the job. Good luck!

Will you try to expand out to the Epic Swing Ride before it's too late to complete its goal? Sound off in the comments!
