FarmVille Mystery Game (06/17/12): It's retro week with re-released animals


This week's FarmVille Mystery Game is a throwback, as it brings back a series of animals that were released in previous themes within the game over the past three years on Facebook. Here's the lineup of prizes, according to FarmVille Freak.

Black Cherry Dragon
Butterfly Unicorn
Chrome Pegasus
Rainbow Stallion

If you can win all six of these items, you'll receive a special seventh item at no additional cost: a Pink Pegacorn. Whether you want these items or already have them in your collections from previous releases, the set will only be available for the next week, so make sure to make any decisions about playing sooner, rather than later. Good luck receiving the items you want the most!

What do you think of this week's Mystery Game prizes? Do you already have these items on your farms? Sound off in the comments!
