Draw Something game show is for real, Ryan Seacrest says so


Isn't it just swell when rumors become reality? The Huffington Post reports that CBS has acquired the rights to a game show based on the hit (but dwindling) mobile game Draw Something. CBS announced the move itself recently, and lists Ryan Seacrest of American Idol fame as an executive producer on the project born of Zynga and OMGPOP's record setter.

"Each week, teams of celebrities and everyday users will test their skills in front of a studio audience to earn money and big laughs," the CBS announcement reads. "Viewers can also play along at home for a chance to win prizes and compete with the celebrities."

According to The Huffington Post, this is the second time CBS has tried to turn a web phenomenon into a successful TV show. But here's the difference: People still play Draw Something to the tune of about 5 million daily. Everyone who was supposed to watch "$#*! My Dad Says" already watched it years prior ... on the Internet. Now, if CBS can score J Lo as the show's host, then it's onto something.

[Image Credit: VatorNews]

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