What makes SimCity Social special? Let Playfish tell you [Video]

SimCity Social
SimCity Social

The (hopeful) next big city-builder on Facebook is almost here: SimCity Social. Of course, given that the most popular game on Facebook, CityVille, is, well, no longer number one, you want to know just how EA and Playfish will make that happen. Say "hi" to Playfish China GM Andrew Mo and EA executive producer Mike Pagano.

They're here to tell you why SimCity Social will be better, faster stronger--OK, so they never said that, but you get the idea. This is EA and Playfish's most anticipated Facebook game yet, and both want to be sure that you know what's so great about their crown jewel as it nears release.

SimCity Social is a city-builder that's as much about building a city as it is running one, and the game will change dependent upon how exactly you run your city. If that sounds confusing, let these guys explain. SimCity is due out in "the next few weeks," according to EA.

Are you psyched for SimCity Social? What do you think so far, based on the video? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
