FarmVille Mystery Game (06/10/12): Lovely new animals are up for grabs


This week's FarmVille Mystery Game may be disappointing to those of you that like grand decorations or brightly colored items, as this week's selection of items is, for the most part, a bit boring. There are new animals to win, and a horse for collectors to watch out for, all at a price of 20 Farm Cash per dart thrown at the board. If you're interested in trying your hand at this week's game, here's what you have a chance to win, according to FarmVille Freak.

Corsac Fox
Cute Panda
Green Pheasant
Malayan Peacock
Orlov Trotter Horse
Tibetan Blue Bear

If you can walk away from this game with at least one of the six prizes above, you'll receive a special seventh prize: a Marbled Cat. Just remember, it's very likely that you'll waste some darts (and therefore Farm Cash) on duplicate items as you play, so make sure you have enough on hand to actually make it through the whole set. Good luck!

What do you think of this set of limited edition animals in the FarmVille Mystery Game? Sound off in the comments.
