Adventure Time begins goofy hidden-object journey on iOS for $.99

Adventure Time iPhone game
Adventure Time iPhone game

If you don't know what Adventure Time is, then your kids certainly do. The zany Cartoon Network show finally has its own video game, and what a better fit than a classic adventure game-style romp? Actually, Adventure Time - Legends of Ooo: Big Hollow Princess--it's real title--looks and sounds like the hidden-object games crowding Facebook and mobile devices these days.

In this mobile adventure, it's time for Finn and Jake to join forces once more to stop the evil Ice King from freezing princesses across the land of Ooo. (It's also time to quit it with the puns already, isn't it?) Sure, this is yet another game tie-in for a popular TV show or movie--deal with it, this is how things work in the age of digitally-distributed games.

Don't worry, this game has a far better justification: Legends of Ooo: Big Hollow Princess has a bunch of original voice over work done just for this game. If that doesn't tickle your or your kid's fancy, we don't know what will. And stop kidding yourself. We all know you TiVo Adventure Time every week.

Click here to buy Adventure Time - Legends of Ooo: Big Hollow Princess for iOS Now >

[Via Joystiq]

Are you psyched to see Adventure Time hit iOS devices in a hidden-object adventure game? What other game types do you hope are explored by Adventure Time? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
