Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM searches for the heart of the cards on Facebook

Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM on Facebook
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM on Facebook

If you don't get that headline, then you're just not a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan. If you do, then you're probably unreasonably excited about this news. Frima Studio, creator of Pocket God on Facebook, has teamed up with Konami to bring the hit collectible trading card game to the biggest social network around as Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM.

This adaptation of the popular card game looks to employ the same strategy found on the game board, but in an intuitive and (hopefully) social way. Players will have access to over 300 cards from the series to build their unstoppable decks with which to crush their Facebook friends. Of course, there are plenty of other perks to collect in this game across its seemingly lengthy story mode.

"Whether you have two minutes or two hours to play, just hit BAM!" the game's about page reads. So, despite having an energy system, it appears that serious Yu-Gi-Oh! fans will get to spend quite a long time with what could become their favorite Facebook game. Kids aren't exactly a booming demographic on Facebook, so it will be interesting to see how this franchise fares on the platform. Come to think of it, now we have to wonder why in the world is Magic: The Gathering not a Facebook game yet?

Seto Kaiba: Screw the rules, I have money!
Seto Kaiba: Screw the rules, I have money!

Find out more about Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM on the game's Facebook page.

Click here to play Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM on Facebook now >

Are you excited about Yu-Gi-Oh! on Facebook? Will this be a successful move for Konami and Frima? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
