Denver HOA Looks to Ban Sidewalk Chalk Art

Denver HOA sidewalk chalk
Denver HOA sidewalk chalk

Well, there goes hopscotch.

Children in the Stapleton neighborhood of Denver may soon lose a beloved summertime activity if the homeowners association there is successful in its attempt to ban sidewalk chalk art, Denver's CBS 4 reports.

Citing complaints from neighbors, the HOA said the chalk art potentially offends, disturbs or interferes with "the peaceful enjoyment" of the community and is not allowed.

"It's summertime, and God forbid my daughter is drawing flowers, her name and hearts," resident Sarah Cohen, mother of a 3-year-old Emerson, told the TV station.

"We live on a courtyard, and we all bought into the notion that we were sharing space," she said, adding that she hadn't heard any complaints from neighbors.

That's exactly why the HOA is cracking down on the chalk art: to keep everyone happy.

"The association is trying to go down a path of 'do no harm,' " an attorney representing the HOA told CBS 4.

The issue is expected to be brought up at a future HOA meeting, where residents will decide what to do about the chalk art.

In the meantime, Cohen said that she's going to let her daughter continue to draw on sidewalks.

If neighbors are really that upset, maybe they should talk to the city of Denver about its annual Chalk Art Festival.

See also:
Trouble Blooms: Condo Board Sues Resident Over Flowers
Texas Family Wins Fight Against HOA to Keep Pet Kangaroo

HOA 'Steals' Homeowner's Virgin Mary Statue

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