CityVille Tiger Prince Theater: Everything you need to know


The third and apparently final theater has launched in CityVille's Best of Broadway feature, giving you a chance to build the Tiger Prince theater and bring a third play to town for your citizens to enjoy. As with the other two theaters in the game (Dogs and Fantasm), this Tiger Prince theater requires you to complete a variety of building stages before you can actually use it.

The first stage is a staffing stage, requiring you to ask nine friends to come work in the theater as a cast of actors for the show. The second stage asks you to collect building materials, as seen below:

  • 5 Tap Shoes

  • 10 Sheet Music

  • 10 Star Rooms

  • 5 Makeup Brushes

As you might expect, these items can be earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent out to friends. Finally, you'll need to use energy to earn a certain number of building points to finish off the final stage of the theater.

When the entire theater is completely finished, you'll be able to use this as a business of sorts, by providing it with 800 Goods. You'll receive 5,280 coins by default each time those Goods are spent, and will receive 40 Tourists for your town that will then head out into the rest of your town and fill businesses twice as fast as normal. That being the case, you'll want to make sure and have other businesses stocked with Goods before setting them loose on your town to make the most out of this boost!

Again, this looks to mark the end of the Best of Broadway feature in CityVille, but if additional theaters launch in the future, we'll make sure to let you know.

What do you think of this Tiger Prince Theater? Do you think it will be worth the time it takes to finish its many building steps? Have you already finished the other two theaters in your town? Sound off in the comments!
