Fruit Ninja took three days to make, and nine other things you didn't know

Fruit Ninja facts
Fruit Ninja facts

It's one of the games on iPhone and iPad that embodies pure, beautiful simplicity, so who knew Fruit Ninja had so much to hide? Developer Halfbrick Studios had executive producer Luke Muscat and marketing officer Phil Larson tell GameSpot Australia 10 things that we didn't know about its mega-popular fruit flayer. Well ... until now.

How about the fact that Fruit Ninja's base concept of slicing flying fruit took a mere three days to make? (The rest of development was all about that gorgeous polish.) Did you know that Fruit Ninja is currently being played in hospitals as part of a study with Neuroscience Australia to help treat stroke patients? Oh, the things you never knew about your phone's primary function.

Are you still digging Fruit Ninja after all these years? What's your favorite little factoid? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
