Preserve Your Budget by Freezing Foods -- Savings Experiment

Savings Experiment: Freezing Foods
Savings Experiment: Freezing Foods

When you want to preserve leftovers, freezing is a great option. However, the key to stretching your savings is knowing how to properly store your food. Here are some tips on how to stretch your dollars.

First, forget the plastic wrap. Although it's convenient to roll some out and cover a plate, the product won't give you a tight seal, and you'll end up with freezer burn. Freezer burn is the loss of water molecules, which causes food to become dehydrated. That's the exact opposite of what you want to do, which is keep your food fresh.

Instead, invest in plastic containers. These days, companies make disposable varieties that can be reused and washed a number of times. Ziploc offers the best function and value for $3.85 for a pack of four. Once you've packed your leftovers, place them in the freezer, making sure to leave plenty of space around the container. This allows cool air to circulate around the vessel and promotes even freezing. Once your leftovers are fully frozen, you can stack them on other items in your freezer.


For liquids, Ziploc plastic bags are key. Not only are they budget-friendly at $3.79 for a 20-pack, but they're durable, as well. Fill a bag with your liquid, and lay flat to freeze. Once it's frozen, store the bag in an upright position. The flat shape great for thawing, too. Don't forget to mark the pack date on your bags and containers -- food doesn't last forever in the freezer.

With these tips, your leftovers will stay fresh longer, and you can keep saving your money, instead of spending it.
