'Undercover Boss': 5 Most Gripping Moments From Season 3

Undercover Boss Season 3
Undercover Boss Season 3

For many workers, it's the most feared, dreaded moment -- the showdown with the boss. Which probably explains why such confrontations are usually the high point in the popular reality show "Undercover Boss." Viewers get to see that moment when an employee speaks truth to power -- or the boss realizes that he or she doesn't have a clue.

AOL Jobs has followed "Undercover Boss" for the entire third season, and while the critics sometimes slam the show for being contrived, AOL Jobs has found that there was much to learn from the best moments. Whether it was a CEO realizing that he had forgotten his franchisees telling him of their financial struggles, or an exec finding out about workers' struggles to get vacation time approved, the moments showed the bosses face-to-face with their own fallibility. And thanks to the drama, the chasm between the corner office and the on-the-ground worker is bridged -- at least for an episode. So what were the best moments in Season 3? Here are our top five picks:
