Some Americans play iPhone, Android games to flirt, survey says

Words with Friends lovers
Words with Friends lovers

Are iPhone and Android games the new speed dating? We've all heard the success stories, but not so fast. According to a new survey conducted by HTML5 mobile game service Mocospace, a tiny 3 percent of mobile gamers play as a way to flirt. The most popular reasons for playing? Unsurprisingly, that the games are fun (34 percent), and to kill time (32 percent).

Mocospace surveyed more than 10,000 of its players to come to the conclusions. (Though, you probably could have asked folks walking down the street to get the same results.) Interesting enough, however, at least some mobile gamers like to play the time-killers to meet new people--9 percent's worth, and five times more than people that play mobile games to connect with friends and family.

It should come as no surprise that players enjoy said mobile games while in class as well. The number one reason? Class is boring, of course, 42 percent of players said. So, mobile gamers play to kill boredom. That's a no-brainer, but maybe there's something more to this whole "meeting new people through gaming" thing. Maybe it's time for to enter the mobile gaming scene.

[Photo Credit: The Mary Sue]

Why do you play mobile games? Have you ever met a new friend (or something more) playing a mobile game? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.

Mobile gamers survey
Mobile gamers survey
