7 Instant Millionaires Of The Startup Gold Rush

Artist David Choe
Artist David Choe

Many, many people are about to get very, very rich later this month, when Facebook finally goes public. The IPO will create 1000 new millionaires, and make one graffiti artist, who presciently took shares instead of cash payment for his work at Facebook's Palo Alto's offices, as wealthy as Mitt Romney. It's a sign of our unusual times, where a great idea, a laptop, and a case of Mountain Dew can turn into millions of dollars in a couple years or less.

Many Americans now make up this new class of instant millionaires, who raced into the modern-day gold rush with pans ready and waving. Most built up companies from their homes with some scratched-together savings, and then sold them soon after for mind-bending amounts. Here are seven of the country's most dazzling instant millionaires:
