Religious Facebook game aims to 'K.O.' Diablo 3

journey of jesus aims to KO diablo
journey of jesus aims to KO diablo

Today is not an easy day to release a new game, especially if your game is not titled Diablo III.

But game maker Lightside Games has come up with an interesting approach to grabbing some of the spotlight for its new game Facebook called Journey of Jesus: The Calling, by making a subtle dig at Diablo III and its players. The game's press release points out that Diablo features 'demonic creatures' and that in Journey of Jesus you can, instead, 'walk in the Messiah's steps.'

The press release then features a quote from Lightside Games CEO Brent Dusing that starts with "Both games immerse the player, and you are what you eat..."

This marketing tactic continues on the game's game's official Facebook page, where you'll find an image (see above) of Jesus raising his fist in victory after K.O.'ing 'El Diablo.'

And, while I'm sure this game will be great for those who want to play religious-themed social games, it's interesting that the company is planning to 1. Use Diablo as a way to get attention and 2. To make a subtle dig at the people who plan to play it.

Of course, the whole marketing ploy worked, as I'm covering a game that would have normally flown under the radar. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to save the world from forces of evil in Diablo III, something the Journey of Jesus audience (or its star, Jesus) probably wouldn't have a problem getting behind.

journey of jesus diablo iii
journey of jesus diablo iii

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