The Situation Boardwalk Arcade on Facebook: Smooth like a Jägerbomb

The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade
The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade

That's no joke, really. Surprisingly, The Situation's first Facebook game is a smooth play experience, especially with its full 3D graphics and real-time multiplayer. Titled "The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade" and developed by Apps Genius, the social game incorporates some of the Sorrentino family's favorite boardwalk games, namely Fascination and Frog Toss.

For starters, players are granted a free 25 tokens, and each game played spends one. (Five new tokens are doled out daily.) Players who are familiar with the boardwalks of the Jersey Shore (or even their local carnival) will feel right at home in The Situation Boardwalk Arcade. Mike's Fascination is a ball toss game, a variant of skee-ball. Players use the mouse to throw red balls into designated holes in three play modes: Line, Four Corners and Blackout.

Just like on the now-defunct boardwalk tables, players compete in real time to either fill a straight line, four corners or the entire board with the red balls. The physics behind throwing the balls and how they swirl and roll into each hole are surprisingly real to life, and the pressure of playing with up to 10 players at once gives a (mild) rush not found in most Facebook games.


The second game available is Frank's Frog Toss, the all-too-familiar game of mallets, rubber frogs and splashing water. All are present and accounted for in this virtual rendition, and make for a entertaining experience. However, the physics behind this mini game have a terribly steep learning curve, which will invariably lead to many games lost.

The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade Fascination
The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade Fascination

Keep in mind, this game is from the same studio behind Snooki's Match Game, so even this is an accomplishment. Players have ten rubber frogs to land as many points as possible. To make it happen, they'll click on the black mallet pad, pull back the mouse to their desired power level and direction and release, sending one frog flying (hopefully) into a lily pad.

Players earn a certain amount of tickets for each game played, which can be redeemed in the player for--what-else--real The Situation-themed merchandise. Unfortunately, these are the only two games available for play right now, with Melissa's Derby Race and Marc's Shore Shot coming soon. Regardless, there's something to said of The Situation's mission to bring his nostalgia for the boardwalk to the masses, something that will hit close to home for many.

Those 3D visuals and fun-filled physics evocative of what the MTV Show Jersey Shore doesn't celebrate are thanks to Unity, an inexplicably scary extra download for many players. But in this case, it's well worth it to go ahead and install the app for this gem, which we can't believe we're saying about a game by The Situation. Now it's time for Snooki to step up her game with ... better games.

Click here to play The Situation & Family Boardwalk Arcade on Facebook Now >

Have you tried The Situation Boardwalk Arcade yet? What do you think of Snooki and The Situation's games so far? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
