FarmVille Pic of the Day: Crouching Reptile, Winged Dragon by Brayzdin


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After a four-months long hiatus, we thought he was gone for good, but one of our favorite FarmVille players, Brayzdin, made a startling reentry to the Zynga forums. Reserving his spot on the second page of this week's official Farm of the Week thread, Brayzdin left a teaser "Coming Soon" image (see below). Today, this was finally removed to reveal a ginormous, crouching, winged purple dragon. Just look at those dragon deltoids and rhomboids and you can tell this is a tough monster! It's obvious Brayzdin keeps trying to outdo himself and the fun is how he keeps succeeding.

Brayzdin teaser
Brayzdin teaser

While not the first dragon Brayzdin's ever created, this one is wholly different, with a thinner body, a pink underbelly, and orange wings. The setting is also different, where instead of green valley, this new dragon is perched on a tall cliff surrounded by water. You can see his left leg in the water and the small waves lapping around it because Brayzdin put little white hay bales to represent a splash of sea foam. That's when you notice the dragon's hand reaching to pinch the FarmVille Biplane to the right. You can tell that aside from being an amazing stickler for details, Brayzdin sure knows how to make a scene.

What do you think of Brayzdin's latest masterpiece? Sound off in the comments.Add Comment

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