CityVille A Model Citizen Goal: Everything you need to know


Now that CityVille Downtown has launched in CityVille, movie star Bella Bennett finally wants to settle down in a home befitting her luxurious lifestyle. In comes the Supermodel Mansion to help her do just that! This new residence is available via the "A Model Citizen" goal in the game, which is only there to give you the instructions of expanding out to the Supermodel Mansion which has now spawned somewhere on your game board.

As with other buildings of this type, the Supermodel Mansion may appear in a different square in each player's game, depending on how far that player has already expanded on their own. Once you reach it, you'll have a home with a population of 1,100 - 2,180 citizens, and a building that offers 1,750 Downtown Value Points to your expansion. Remember, the more Downtown Value Points you have, the more you can build your new expansion, so this is probably a worthwhile feature to complete in the long run.

The last thing to keep in mind with the Supermodel Mansion is that you must be at least Level 50 to access it. If you haven't made it that far, just keep plugging along and know that it may be there waiting for you when you finally reach that stage. Good luck unlocking this new home!

What do you think of the Supermodel Mansion in CityVille? Will you go out of your way to expand to its square in your Downtown expansion? Sound off in the comments.
