Hidden Chronicles Jillian's Challenge Quests: Everything you need to know


A duo of quests has launched in Hidden Chronicles recently, which, while simple, actually unlock a new way to play with your friends in the game. The Jillian's Challenge quests will allow you to receive a new FastFind scene, giving you more variety when visiting friends' Estates in the future. As it stands, there are two quests to complete. Let's get started!

Jillian's Challenge 1

  • Unlock Spring Egg Hunt Scene

  • Hide 3 Spring Eggs or Secret Packages

  • Start a FastFind Game

The Spring Egg Hunt Scene requires you to collect five friends as "staff" to actually unlock it. You'll do this via individual requests sent to your neighbors. Once you complete this quest, you'll receive three energy, 220 coins and 40 XP.

Jillian's Challenge 2

  • Start the Spring Egg Hunt FastFind Game

This second quest simply asks you to play the new scene that you've unlocked, so you'll need to visit a friend's Estate and click on the stopwatch to challenge them. From there, you can select the Spring Egg Hunt scene to play. You'll receive three energy, another 220 coins and another 40 XP for finishing this quest.

See? We told you these quests were easy, but they're definitely worth completing if you're looking to unlock access to every single scene in the game, whether they're included in the FastFind feature or not. We'll make sure to let you know as more FastFind scenes are added to the game, so stay tuned!

[Via and image credit Hidden Chronicles Wiki]

Have you unlocked this new FastFind scene to play with friends? What do you think of it? Sound off in the comments.
