FarmVIlle English Garden Items: Tea Party Tree, Water Lilies and more


While many FarmVille players may be disappointed by how "abandoned" the English Countryside farm has been since its many goals series ended so many months ago, those same users should be pretty excited about a new theme that has launched in the store which brings back plenty of English charm to the game (along with a bit of whimsy). The English Garden theme contains plenty of flowers, and other Spring-themed items, so let's take a look at the newly released set.


English Hawthorn Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Crimson Cloud - 12 Farm Cash
Tea Party Tree - 8 Farm Cash
Giant Tea Party Tree - 14 Farm Cash


Bull Terrier - 12 Farm Cash
Giant Bull Terrier - 14 Farm Cash
British Longhair (cat) - 12 Farm Cash
Banker Horse - 26 Farm Cash


Hyacinths - 10,000 coins
Flower Stone Bridge - 12 Farm Cash
Tea Party Gnome - 12 Farm Cash
Water Lilies - 10,000 coins

These items will only be available in the store for the next 12 days, so make sure to purchase them (even if not for your English Countryside farm) before then. We'll make sure to let you know if additional items launch in the English Garden theme, so stay tuned!

What do you think of these new English Garden items in the FarmVille marketplace? Will you purchase them for your English Countryside farm, or have you too "abandoned" this farm for other projects? Let us know in the comments!
