CityVille Web Company Goals: Everything you need to know


Your town in CityVille is about to receive a boost technologically, as a Web Company wants to set up shop in your city! This comes by way of the Web Company goal series, and the business of the same name. There are three goals in this Web Company line, so here's a step-by-step look at how to finish them off!

Master of Your Domain!

  • Place and Complete the Web Company

  • Ask for 15 Software CDs

  • Collect from 50 Businesses

When you place the Web Company business in your town, you'll simply be able to use energy to construct it. From there, you'll need to supply it with 274 Goods, and will receive 1,504 coins in return when those Goods have been used. Meanwhile, the Software CDs are earned by posting a general request for them on your wall. You'll receive 40,000 coins and 5 energy for completing this first goal.

Social Butterfly!

  • Supply 25 Businesses

  • Collect from 5 Tokyo Cargo Planes

  • Increase Population by 500 citizens

Rewards: 200 XP, 500 Goods
Goal 3:

  • Collect Wireless Routers

  • Collect from finished Web Company

  • Collect from Level 2 Phone Company

Unfortunately, the details surrounding goals two and three are still incredibly slim, but we'll make sure to update this space when we've learned more about their specific requirements. In the meantime, why not jump into CityVille Downtown and spend some time in the game's newest expansion?

[Goal 3 Via CityVille Chat]

What do you think of this new Web Company and its goals? Sound off in the comments.
