Pac-Man chomps on iPhone, iPad once more with Pac-Mangames

Pac-Mangames iPhone iPad
Pac-Mangames iPhone iPad

Are these games only for Pac-Men? Did the copywriter sneeze while typing this out, and the company just went with it? Who knows, but Pac-Mangames is, in fact, the official title of the newest Pac-Man game for iPhone and iPad. For a heftier-than-normal $2.99, players get the "S" versions of Pac-Man, Galaga, DigDug, Rally-X, Gator Panic and Pac-Chain.

When you put it that way, it sounds a bit more like a deal. Of course, players can buy in-game boosts and enhancements using real money on a credit card. Each game seems like it includes new play modes on top of the classics, and players can spend coins earned through games on clothing and decorative items for their avatars and their rooms.

Finally, Namco Bandai wanted its games to all finally be social, so each arcade game supports Facebook Connect features like managing players' score ranking via Facebook posting their scores to their walls. Of course, you can play Pac-Mangames sans Facebook account, but say goodbye to social play in that case. If you ask us, a social Galaga alone could be worth $2.99.

Click here to download Pac-Mangames on iPhone or iPad for $2.99 Now >

[Via Pocket Gamer]

Are you psyched to hear that Namco's giving Pac-Man another go on mobile? What do you think of retro games on iPhone and iPad? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
