Flash and Unity unite to make 3D Flash games better (and a few bucks)

Flash and Unity
Flash and Unity

Flash and Unity, the two leading (and competing) technologies for 3D web game creation, have joined forces. Unity has announced that it will make a tool for Unity game developers to create 3D browser games that players can access using Flash. Since Flash is essentially ubiquitous on browsers everywhere--yes, even the iPhone--this means Unity will soon have zero barrier to entry.

Before this announcement, Unity-based social games on networks like Facebook had trouble gaining traction due to the need for an additional download. Soon, that problem will officially be behind it, and that can only bring Unity to more gamers in the long run. This is especially considering the new Flash Player was released recently, touting its Stage 3D technology.

But here's the thing, Flash creator Adobe also wants to take full advantage of this golden opportunity: Lots of 3D game makers, even Gears of War creator Epic Games, are all over this space. From this day forward, Flash will impose a 9 percent tax, if you will, on all revenue made directly from games and apps created or played using Flash. (However, Adobe will only apply this rule to games or apps that make more than $50,000.) This move essentially turns Adobe into an App Store, Facebook or Google Play.

With that, Adobe stands to make lots--and we mean lots--of cash, especially since it's asking price is only bested by the 5 percent tax game makers pay on Google+. And since there are numerous social gaming and monetization networks out there, you have to wonder whether this sends Facebook shaking ... at least a little bit.

[Update: Adobe has pointed out to us that it will only collect 9 percent revenue on games or apps that net $50,000 or more, and we've updated the post for clarity.]

Are you excited for 3D social games? Will core social game developers leave Facebook for something like Adobe? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
