Are You Annoying Your Co-Workers? How To Tell

things to avoid doing at work
things to avoid doing at work

By Seth Fiegerman

Every office has that co-worker who chews gum too loudly or dresses inappropriately -- just make sure it isn't you. No matter how hard a worker you may be, if you annoy other people in the office, it will come back to haunt you.

"The way you move up the corporate ladder is by making people love you, so if you annoy your co-workers regularly, there could be repercussions," says Jodi Glickman, a career coach and author of "Great on the Job." It's not that you'll necessarily get fired for committing an office faux pas -- unless it's something as serious as being perpetually late to work. Rather, it could limit your opportunities for advancement at the company by affecting "whether other colleagues want to work with you," Glickman says.
