Watch Playfish staffers go goofy for Careers in The Sims Social [Video]

The SIms Social Career video
The SIms Social Career video

Careers have been live in The Sims Social for nearly a week, giving players an outlet to live out their dream jobs. (You know, if their dream job happens to be a rock star, celebrity chef or famous artist.) But the folks on The Sims Social team within Playfish must have been so busy working on the feature, they haven't had the chance to play it.

The result is these Playfish staffers going bonkers, living out their daydreams in the middle of work. Whether they've simply had it with their gigs or they're sleep-walking, we don't know. Since they do make video games for a living, we go with the latter. It's either that or the Playfish folks just thought of a hilarious way to promote the new Careers ... nah.

Anyway, check out one Playfish staffer spray graffiti on an office wall, another channel his inner Britney and another go all Gordon Ramsay on a fellow employee. Even if you're not a fan of The Sims Social, hilarity ensues.

[Via Playfish]

Are you digging Careers in The Sims Social so far? What dream job do you nod off over at your current gig? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
