FarmVille Candy Items: Chocolate Apple Tree, Strawberry Cake Tree and more


While the Candy theme in FarmVille may have turned into a seemingly never-ending focus on the game's Candy Castle building project, if you're still looking for items to purchase in the game's store, you're in luck - new items have been released just this evening. There aren't as many items in this update as there have been in previous releases, but at least there are a few to keep the theme alive. Here's a complete look at the items, along with their prices.


Chocolate Apple Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Big Chocolate Apple Tree - 12 Farm Cash
Strawberry Cake Tree - 8 Farm Cash
Big Strawberry Cake Tree - 14 Farm Cash


Cotton Candy Sheep - 16 Farm Cash
Cookie Elephant - 16 Farm Cash


Gummy Gnome - 12 Farm Cash

Unfortunately, that's it for this week's release of Candy items, so unless you have plenty of Farm Cash on hand that can be spared on these cute (and delicious looking) items, you'll have to pass these by. Still, it's likely that the Candy Castle will help us earn a variety of other Candy-themed items, possibly for free, so perhaps not all hope is lost after all. We'll make sure to let you know what the Candy Castle's larger purpose ultimately turns into as soon as we know more. Keep checking back!

What do you think of these Candy themed items? Will you purchase any for your farm(s)? Sound off in the comments.
