Marvel wants more on Facebook where Avengers Alliance came from

Marvel XP
Marvel XP

Who knew comic book heroes and social games would make for a Facebook dream team? With Marvel: Avengers Alliance creeping toward 1 million monthly players, it appears that Marvel and Playdom are ready for more. When players log into the superhero-studded game today, they'll notice something called Marvel XP above the game screen, where Marvel's Facebook-focused master plan is revealed.

After signing up for the cross-game service (more on that in a moment), players are greeted with Marvel game news, bonus content and more. But that's not important--what matters is Marvel XP's modus operandi:

Avengers Alliance is just the beginning of an epic storyline, continued across all Marvel XP games, unlike anything you've experienced before in games. Your progress and actions in Marvel XP enabled games like Avengers Alliance unlock new exclusive content:

That text is ripped from the Marvel XP introduction screen. It looks as if the storyline that Alex Irvine started will continue across future Marvel-branded social games. (Perhaps a reverse of how the Marvel film stories have all congealed into The Avengers?) Speculation aside, it looks like comic book author Fred Van Lente is in on the project. Whatever happens, Marvel is intent on keeping it legit.

[Via Comics Alliance]

Are you excited by the idea of more Marvel-themed Facebook games? What do you think or hope Marvel does with them? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
